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How to Start an Online Store Step 1 Choose an Online Store Template Design Your Storefront Find the perfect template to reflect your unique brand and products. With Wix, there are lots of professional, fully-customizable templates to choose from. Step 2 Add Product Pages Your homepage acts like a storefront, showcasing some of your products and telling visitors about your style and brand. Use colors and fonts that match your look and feature your most popular products here. This will inspire your visitors to explore the full collection. Step 3 Choose Your Own Domain Display all your products in beautiful product galleries. Add descriptions to each image to help customers find what they�re looking for. Show what sizes and colors you offer and add a �Buy Now� button to each product. You can also encourage new sales by highlighting new arrivals and special offers. Step 4 Set Up Payment Options Your domain name is often the first thing your clients see when searching for your website. Be sure to pick a name that�s unique and easy to remember so you stand out from the crowd. Going with a platform like Wix makes getting your domain easy. All you have to do is find a domain you like - they�ll walk you through the rest! Step 5 Publish to Go Live Make it easy for customers to pay for your products by offering them a few different ways to pay. With Wix, there are multiple payment options available. Depending on your location, you can accept payments with Square, Worldpay, Braintree and more.


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