Wanita Ini Menghidupi Pacarnya yang Pengangguran "Selama 8 Tahun"! Namun Setelah Mendapat Banyak Uang, Ini "Balasan" Si Cowok kepada Dia!

Sell Your Website Definitely my favorite of all the above and also the one that pays the most. Selling your website can make you very wealthy, or it could be just a nice retirement fund. Whatever it is, it can be a great way to get a large lump sum of cash. Typically, websites sell for 12 � 24 months revenue, however if your site is old, has something unique about it or is the authority in your industry then you can expect any figure you want. I have seen some blogs go for over 200 years revenue and it didn�t even make $100,000 a year. Work hard and it will pay off. It is important to remember if you sold your site for 2 years revenue and it made $5000 a month, you would get $120,000. To earn that amount of money it could take you 6 or 7 years because of expenses and taxes. You also have to factor in how long it took you to build your business. If it took you two years and you sell for $120,000 � then it would be like earning an extra $60,000 a year. If you are already at the stage where selling your website is an option, read this post on selling your website. Benefits: Large amount of cash. Can be sold within a month. Enough money not to have to work for years. Drawbacks: You lose an asset. You lose an income stream.


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