Antara "Cari Duit" Sama "Jaga Anak", Kamu Pilih Yang Mana? 1 Kata dari Li Ka Shing Membangunkan Jutaan Orang Tua!

How Website Optimization Can Increase Your Sales and Traffic #1 Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate Your website bounce rate is what percent of people left your website without visiting more than one page. The lower your bounce rate, the better. If website optimization is important to you, this is something you need to be improving. Here are my top tips to get started: Interlink blog posts Reduce adverts Improve readability Keep content up to date Increase website speed Add related or popular posts to the bottom of articles Test different anchor text for website navigation Reorder posts on category pages to show most popular Improve featured images for posts You will notice that improving your bounce rate, is also going to help your search engine optimization. #2 Optimize Your Website For Search Engines Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to spend your time if you want to increase traffic to your site. With literally millions of other people and blogs to compete with; you have to work hard to stay ahead of the game. So many people manage to cover most areas of importance when starting a blog with the exception of SEO. This can be disastrous for your blogs future and because of this, you need to learn as much as you possibly about the subject. Get clued up on the best SEO tools and techniques, this will put you one step ahead of the competition! Make sure to follow these 10 SEO blog publishing steps that most bloggers forget. Here are my top tips that I focus on when it comes to optimizing my website for search engines: Do keyword research Reduce bounce rate Fix broken links Increase page speed Make sure my pages have over 2000 words Get more backlinks Add a sitemap From this list, you will probably notice that search engine optimization isn�t just about writing great content, but it�s also a lot about how you user friendly your website is. It makes sense really, the better your website is, the more Google wants to link to you.


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