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Keep Your Website Up To Date Keeping your website up to date will improve your search engine rankings, reduce your bounce rate and increase conversions. No one wants to read out dated blog posts. No one wants to buy a product they don�t think is still relevant. Everyone coming to your website wants to know that your site is the best and it�s worth them spending time on it. Here are a few things you need to make sure are kept up to date: Copyright date Mentions of dates in posts Blog content Fix broken links Keep social media accounts up to date #11 Make Sure Your Blog Is Secure! Hackers, Spammers they are all out to get you, no matter who you are, what niche your blog is involved in or even how long you have been online. It can feel as though it is a personal vendetta against you but don�t take it personally it happens to the best of us. This is why it is important to look after your blogs security so that you can continue to give your readers valuable content without being constantly attacked by an unknown force. Spammers are constantly sending emails to just about every blog on the planet and although they in themselves are not damaging, the messages that they can leave all over your blog can be. #12 Optimize Your Website Design This is yet another topic that brings with it numerous amounts of daily emails; a big part of website optimization is improving the design of your blog, it�s right up there with SEO. Sure the SEO does all of the hard work, bringing the traffic to your site; but the design can be just as important. I�m sure most of you have had the experience of clicking on a top ranked result in Google for one of your searches, only to find that once the website has loaded the design is absolutely dire! So what do you do? You go ahead and click on the �Back button� yet again, and this is something that your very own readers could end up doing. That�s why it is important to get the design just right from the word go; this isn�t to say you should pour thousands of dollars into it (you can do that later when you are ready to upgrade) it simply means that you should try and stand out from the crowd and become a shepherd instead of a sheep. #13 Optimize Your Website Code I think this is something that 80% of bloggers know nothing about; and it is a shame really because improving the code on your site can be very rewarding. The internet is built on the foundations of thousands of codes and algorithms, so are the search engines and believe it or not so is your blog or website. It may sound a little confusing but by making your coding look �beautiful� you can really get the best out of your blog; the question you may have on your lips is �How can code be beautiful?� a very valid point. Beautiful code is what helps; the search engines find you, the browsers to correctly display your content and your readers read your content. So when I say make your code beautiful I mean it. #14 Improve Your Website Credibility When someone comes to your website, it�s important to give them confidence in your business. You can do this by: Showing testimonials Showing press logos Showing press mentions Having HTTPS in your domain Proof reading your content Having an about page Having active social media accounts Include privacy policy, terms of service and cookie policy pages. We use TermsFeed to create these documents.


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